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Code Enforcement Corner

Code Enforcement Corner - Welcome to the "Code Corner."

We're looking forward to using this space to share information with residents each month, including excerpts of various codes, upcoming events (like clean-up dates and holidays, etc.) However, we'd also like to hear from you! If there is specific information you'd like to see, please reach out to us! You can email the Code Enforcement Team at:

Or drop off requests at City Hall.​

Important Message from Code Enforcement

This month we'd like to discuss trash pick-up. Chapter 15, Article 5 in the City's Code Book, § 15-504 reads, all waste materials must be bagged, boxed, securely tied, or closed. NO open or loose trash in barrels will be emptied or removed from premises by the city or its contractors. All such contained waste materials shall be placed at the alley or curbside no sooner than 24 hours prior to the day and time of scheduled pick-up.


SO: City personnel will only pick up if at curbside or alley.



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